Royal College of Defence Studies Wikipedia card Royal College of Defence Studies Royal Defense Research Institute (The Royal College of Defence Studies) is a world-renowned universities also English Defence Academy (United Kingdom's National Defence Academy) is an integral part. Royal College of Defence Studies major training ground, naval and air force colonel, brigadier-level officers and senior civilian Defense officials and senior military officers Commonwealth and NATO countries. College instructors no fixed establishment, usually depending on the course were required please military, government departments, universities, research institutes military and political officials, experts and celebrities lectures.


History Faculty Degree 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester expand Edit this paragraph history the Royal College of Defence Studies is Britain's highest military academy, the direct leadership of the Ministry of Defence. Its predecessor, the National Defense University for the Empire, founded in 1922, in 1971 changed to its present name. Admiral Dean of a college setting, under the leadership of the Presidency, has four major general senior supervisory officer. Another five Central colonel or equivalent level civilian officials as low-level supervisory officials, including four senior supervisory officer's assistant, one responsible for the overall coordination of the syllabus. The hospital has no fixed establishment instructors, usually depending on the course were requested from around the world require armed forces, government departments, universities, research institutes military and political officials, experts from international organizations, diplomats, celebrities and other prominent activists lectures. Including those from the prestigious British: as Cambridge, Oxford, King's College (KCL), etc., and London's International Institute for Strategic Studies (chathamhouse) [1], Jane's International Defense Research Institute. College dedicated a one academic advisor, who is responsible for contacting invited lectures. Edit this paragraph the main training faculty of the Institute British Army, Navy, Air Force colonel, brigadier-level officers and civilian officials in the Defense Advanced age is generally 45 years old. Commonwealth and NATO countries, and other countries also sent military officers or civilian officials to the hospital to learn. Institute an annual intake of about 80 students, including 40 national participants (army officer 10, naval officer 9, 10 Air Force officer, a Marine Corps officer, civilian government officials 10), and the remaining 40 named foreign students. Edit this paragraph schooling Royal College of Defence Studies is an academic year begins each year on January 10, the same year on December 13 to close down. Since 2010, schools and other institutions in the UK standards, to school in September, the second year of the end of July. The teaching of four semesters implementation of each semester teaching content and timing are as follows: 1st semester from January 10 to March 13, a total of 41 school days. The main teaching of national policy, established courses: (1) superpower. Teaching time is 11 days. The strength of teaching content including U.S. and Russia: US-Russian national agencies and existing policies; US-Russian strategic relationship and to Europe, China and other regions affected. (2) strategy. Teaching time is 13 days. The main teaching and research of contemporary strategic thinking and its historical evolution. (3) economy. Teaching time is 8 days. Content for national economic principles, issues, practices, and the impact on the defense. (4) management. Time of nine school days. Teaching content for the modern management science and practice; management science in the field of the use of military defense. After this course, organized the students to visit industrial facilities, to understand its management. 2nd semester 14 March to 24 June, a total of 63 school days. Established courses: (1) English and Contemporary Society. Teaching time is 32 days. Specific content includes the British political structure, industrial, social problems and the strength of the UK, the impact of international status. End of the course, organized the students to England to visit the areas one week. (2) subversion and revolution. Time 15 school days. Teaching content to protest, unrest causes, manifestations and combat methods. This course is mainly taken seminars manner. (3) Science and Technology. Teaching time is 16 days. The main contents are the development of modern science and technology on society, especially the influence of the military. Term 3 June 25 to October 31. Teaching of implementing paragraph 2: Phase 1 of classroom lectures, take 32 school days. Lecture contents in the Middle East before, Africa, Latin America and Asia-Australia Region. Stage 2 organizations to visit and start from September 11 to October 31 ended. Visit the area for the Chinese in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Malaysia) and Oceania,indoor soccer shoes 2013, Scandinavia and Central Europe, Southern Europe, the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories), the Maghreb four countries (Algeria, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco), sub-Saharan countries (Sudan, Kenya, South Africa), Southwest Asia (India, Bangladesh and Pakistan), the Far East and other places. 4th semester from November 1 to December 13, the main research of European security. Teaching content for the study of specific European countries the economic, political, military relations,nike mercurial cr, and the organization of visits European Commission, NATO's Allied Command, British troops stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany and so on. Defense Research Institute through four semesters of teaching, ask participants a deep understanding of the entire Western defense posture, strategic thinking as well as defense influential political, economic, social and other issues, to improve the ability of students to develop defense policy for more advanced students as Duty to prepare for. In addition, the school also with King's College London King's College London joint schools and pass the exam screening, those who pass can participate Department of Defence Studies at King's College RCDS members created specifically for international security and international strategic professional graduate study. In the meantime, 4000-6000 word essay need 3,cr7 shoes 2013, 15, 000 papers a big word, even before the end of the semester faced three hours written examination within three topics. Through examination can be obtained after King's College graduate diploma.

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