Von Buren Fort


Profile Personal experience of birth and family character biography military career commenced Edit this paragraph Profile (Werner von Blomberg, 1878 ~ 1946) Nazi Germany during World War II field marshal. Edit this paragraph individuals and families experiencing born September 2,Nike CTR360 Maestri III, 1878 in Pomerania called stargard a place of birth, his father was a lieutenant colonel Emil von Blomberg, the mother named Emma. Military career 1894-1897, enrolled Gro-Lichterfelde near Berlin Military Academy. In 1897,MESSI 7 FG, as a second lieutenant joined the Prussian Light Infantry regiment. 1904, with Charlotte Hellmich,2013 New Nike Soccer, married with five children. 1907-1910, studied in Berlin Military Academy. 1910, served in the General Staff. 1911, was promoted to army captain. 1914 ~ 1916, the beginning of the war in a material reserve unit as a staff officer. In 1916, he was appointed major. In 1917, as a department chief staff officer. 1919-1921, after the war, as Nazi Germany Guard headquarters in charge of the work into the Imperial Guard. In 1921, became chief of staff in Stuttgart zone. In 1925, the Marshall became chief of training. 1927 to 1929, served as the Imperial Guard troops under the command of the head of the training department. 1929 to 1933, served as commander of East Prussia zone. In 1932, the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, he was head of the German military delegation, while his wife died. January 30, 1933, after the Hitler Rendi Guo heads and listen to President Paul von Hindenburg's empire is strongly recommended, Blomberg was appointed minister of defense for the Empire. At the same time was appointed general. Edit this paragraph Historical figures 1934 Hindenburg's death, prompted him to swear allegiance to Hitler. 1935 as the Imperial Defence, he received the highest Nazi Wehrmacht command. 1936 was awarded the right to marshal husband. 1937 Despite his loyalty to Hitler and to support Hitler's conquest, he and his army commander Werner Freiherr von Fritsch premature outbreak of war with the presence of specified adventure. January 1938: married with a prostitute Erna Gruhn it, so he ignored his own empire as a member of the Nazi Wehrmacht strong marriage precepts, and make yourself big fool of myself, so that he must submit his resignation. In his last appearance in the Empire Office, when he suggested that Göring as his successor. February 4: He resigned from all political positions, along with Fritsch resignation from the Nazi Wehrmacht. Hitler's use this opportunity to take over the command of the armed forces of the right. He set up instead of the Armed Forces High Command in Fort Bullen head of the War Department, Hitler was its commander in chief, in his following a chief of staff, held this post from Keitel. Imprisoned by the Allies in 1945. 1945 - 46 years into the war criminal litigation; been designated as the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal witnesses. 1946 March 22, died in a military field hospital in Nuremberg.

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